replace your iPhone:When should you replace your iPhone?

know How often should you replace your iPhone?and When should you replace your iPhone? and How to keep your iPhone running smoothly.


There are lots of things that can go wrong with our phones, but we don't always know if it's time for a replacement or if we can fix the issue ourselves. Here's how to tell when it's time for an upgrade or replacement on your iPhone.

How often should you replace your iPhone?

If you're experiencing an issue that you can't solve, it may be time to replace your iPhone. If the problems you're having are completely normal for an older device, then the problem might be with the phone itself and not a software issue.
Here are some signs that your iPhone may need replacing:

When should you replace your iPhone? 

So when should you replace your iPhone?

If you drop your phone and the screen cracks, or if it gets damaged by water or liquid, then yes,


When should you replace your iPhone?

you will need to replace it. If your phone isn’t charging properly or if there are any issues with the battery life of your device then that could be a reason why replacing would be needed as well. If you have one of these things happen then don’t hesitate to contact Apple Support right away!

How to keep your iPhone running smoothly.

Keep your iPhone clean. The best way to do this is by using a microfiber cloth, but if you don't have one, a soft tissue or piece of cloth will do.
Avoid dropping your iPhone. Don't take your phone into situations where it might get dropped (bars, parties), and don't hold other people's phones when they're drunk or doing something stupid like going down the stairs backwards (true story). If someone drops their phone in front of you, pick it up carefully and hand it back to them (or run away as fast as possible). You may want to invest in a case for extra protection.
Don't use harsh chemicals on your iPhone's screen or body - this includes cleaning products that contain vinegar and alcohol! These chemicals can damage the finish on your device!
Restart your iPhone regularly - this will help fix minor issues with apps crashing or not working properly! To restart: hold down power button until "slide to power off" appears at bottom of screen then click power off icon; wait 30 seconds before turning back on again by holding down home button until apple logo appears then wait another 5-10 seconds before unplugging charger cable if necessary so that battery doesn't drain too quickly during these steps; finally turn back onto home screen where all apps should start functioning normally again now instead of freezing up every few minutes!

Is it time for a replacement?

If your phone is not working properly, or you’re experiencing issues such as slowed performance 

or a frozen screen, it may be time for a replacement.

Additionally, if the battery in your device is not holding a charge like it used to and takes longer

When should you replace your iPhone?


than usual to recharge, that could indicate some sort of internal damage. If this is the case, it might be best to invest in a new battery pack instead of repairing what's currently there.
And finally—and most importantly—if your phone has been dropped or damaged in some way (and doesn't seem able to be fixed), then replacing it could save yourself from further problems down the road
If you're experiencing an issue that you can't solve, it may be time for an upgrade or replacement.
If you're experiencing an issue that you can't solve, it may be time for an upgrade or replacement.
If your device is still under warranty:
You can get a replacement for free if you are still covered by the original Apple warranty. In some cases, AppleCare+ extends the length of your standard warranty so that it remains valid for up to two years after purchase or until the original owner's contract with their carrier has expired (whichever comes first).
If your device is out of warranty but still in contract:
If you are no longer under a service contract with AT&T/Sprint/Verizon and have been having problems with your iPhone 7 Plus due to defects in materials or workmanship within one year from date of purchase, they will replace it at no cost.
If you have an out-of-warranty iPhone 7 Plus and are experiencing a defect in materials or workmanship within one year from date of purchase, Apple will replace it for free. If you’re still under warranty but don’t have AppleCare+ coverage: You can get a replacement device for free if your iPhone 7 Plus is damaged by accidental damage.
If you're experiencing an issue with your iPhone, then it's time to take action. We hope that this article has helped you determine if it's time for a replacement or upgrade. If so, then we can help! Contact us today to get started on your new device.
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